Manual Testing
About Lesson

We have learnt about TM earlier. Once the missing requirements are identified – we write the test cases for the requirements which we have missed – review it and get it approved – and then store the test cases in the repository and then fill in the name of the test case for which the requirements have been missed.


Traceability Matrix is a document which has got the mapping between requirements and test cases. We write TM to make sure that every requirement has got at least 1 test case.

Advantages of Traceability Matrix

  • Ensures that every requirement has at least 1 test case
  • If suddenly requirement is changed – we will be knowing which is the exact test case or automation script to be modified
  • We will come to know which test case should be executed manually and which are to be done.

Who writes Traceability Matrix?

Test Lead gives an empty template and Test Engineer fills it up for his respective modules. Each Test Engineer fills it up for their modules. For ex, TE concerned with Loans feature will fill in the details(test case names) for Loans feature. Similarly other TE(s) do for their features. Test Lead consolidates the report after everything has been filled up.

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