Manual Testing
About Lesson

Defect : If a feature is not working according to the requirement, it is called a defect. Deviation from requirement specification is called as defect.

A bug occurs only because of the following reasons,

  • Wrong implementation :- Here, wrong implementations means coding. For ex, in an application – when you click on “SALES” link – it goes to “PURCHASE” page – this occurs because of wrong Thus, this is a bug.
  • Missingimplementation :- We may not have developed the code only for that  For ex, open the application – “SALES” link is not there only – that means feature has not been developed only – this is a bug.
  • Extra implementation :- The developer develops extra feature which is not needed and not there in the requirements also. For ex, consider the below application.

Now, let’s understand WHAT IS DEFECT TRACKING

Developer develops the product – test engineer starts testing the product – he finds a defect – now the TE must send the defect to the development team.

He prepares a defect report – and sends a mail to the Development lead saying “bug open”.

Development lead looks at the mail and at the bug – and by looking at the bug – he comes to know to which development engineer developed that feature which had a bug – and sends the defect report to that particular developer and says “bug assigned”.

The development engineer fixes the bug – and sends a mail to the test engineer saying “bug fixed” – he also “cc mail” to the development lead.

Now the TE takes the new build in which the bug is fixed – and if the bug is really fixed – then sends a mail to the developer saying “bug closed” and also “cc mail” to the development lead.

Every bug will have an unique number.

If the defect is still there – it will be sent back as “bug reopen”.

We should also send a copy of the defect report to the TL. Why do we do this ? Because,

  • He should be aware of all the issues that are there in the project
  • To get visibility (i.e., he should know that we are working)

90% of projects – we don’t take permission from Test Lead to send bugs to development team. Around 10% of projects, we take permission because,

  • Customer is new – for ex, Sweegy has a testing team which is testing a product developed by

Vodafone developers. We cant send all sorts of major, minor and critical bugs to their development team. So test lead first approves the defect and then sends it to the development team saying it’s a valid bug.

  • When we are new to the project

 When we should send defects to development team? – as soon as we catch the defect, we send it to development team.

Why do we send it immediately?

  • Otherwise someone else will send the defect (common features)
  • Development team will have sufficient time to fix the bug if we send the bug 



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