Agile Scrum
About Lesson


  • Scrum is a framework that helps agile teams to work together
  • The Scrum describes a set of tools, meetings, and roles that help the teams structure. It also manages the work done by the team
  • Scrum and agile are not the same thing because Scrum focused on continuous improvement, which is a core foundation of agile. Scrum framework focuses on ongoing getting work done.


What are Sprints :

In scrum process any particular feature is developed in a repetitive ways which is called sprint. Sprint is nothing but a time frame betwen 7-28 days where developer fiurst break the story into small parts and then plan their daily target so that they can deliver the task within a given timeline

What is Sprint Plan:

Very first day day of the sprint sprint planning was done which we called generally a kickoff call, where it is being decided that which feature development or which bug fix/hotfix should be give to which developer , what all stories need to be tested and delivered in this sprint to the end user and also if any pending task is there from previous sprint then how many days we can allocate for that task

In Scrum Process every feature request is nothing but a story or epic and that story or epic generally assigned to the developers to work on it

What is Product Backlog:

A product backlog is a registered list of work for the development team. It is driven from the roadmap and its requirements. The essential task is represented at the top of the product backlog so that the team member knows what to deliver first

User Stories:

User stories are nothing but in jira software that is commonly used in agile scrum project management process the feature requests are written down thoroughly that what changes need to be done , which module will get affected and what is the acceptance criteria for that feature/story


Every software Functionality and UI is decided by product team and while testing if that is not matching with the product team expectation then we call it as bug


Hotfix means that the final version of the software that is using by the client , in that version any issue (functional or UI) is present then Software testers create hotfix cards and developers fix those issues on priority (within 2 hours to 2 days based on the complexity )


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