Agile Scrum
About Lesson

Sprint Planning:

In sprint planning event all the stories are prioritized and assigned to the developers , story brief is discussed and then particular story is assigned to a dev and also if a story need QA or not that is also decided based on the scope of the story and after this discussion the story planning is done on the delivery sheet

Daily Scrum standup call: 

In this call all the scrum team members joined and discussed based on the planning (daily basis planning) what all the tasks that are done and if anything is pending from yesterday’s task then why it is pending, any blocker is there or not . This call is to ensure that the overall development of the features are happening and we should able to deliver it on time or before time 

Sprint Review:

In sprint review all the stories that are done in the current sprint are discussed and presented to the product team . In this call everything is reviewed like how the story is being developed , all the standards are maintained or not

Sprint Retrospective:

The Scrum Team inspects how the last Sprint went with regards to individuals, interactions, processes. The Scrum Team discusses
what went well during the Sprint, what problems it encountered, and how those problems were not solved/solved and about improvement of the process

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