Agile Scrum
About Lesson

In February 2001, at the Snowbird resort in Utah, a team of 17 software developers met to discuss lightweight development methods. The result of their meeting was the following Agile Manifesto for software development

12 principles of Agile Manifesto are as following:

  1. Manifesto provides high priority to satisfy the costumer’s requirements. This is done through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
  2. Making changes during software development is common. Agile process works to increase the customers’ competitive advantage.
  3. Deliver the working software frequently, ranging from a few weeks to a few months
  4. Business people (Scrum Master and Project Owner) and developers must work together during the entire life of a project development
  5. Projects should be build around motivated team members. Provide such environment that supports individual team members 
  6. Face-to-face conversation between Scrum Master and development team and between the Scrum Master and customers for the most efficient and effective method
  7. The working software is the key and primary measure of the progress.
  8. The aim of agile development is sustainable development
  9. Pay regular attention to technical excellence and good design
  10.  Keep things simple and use simple terms to measure the work
  11. The Agile team should be self-organized. They should not be depending heavily on other teams
  12. The work should be reviewed at regular intervals
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