Agile Scrum
About Lesson
  • The Scrum team generally consist of 10 or fewer  peoples 
  • In Scrum team Developers, Software testers, Scrum Master, Product Owner  played a vital role 
  • Within a Scrum Team, there are no sub-teams or hierarchies. It is a cohesive unit of professionals focused on one objective at a time, the Product Goal
  • The Scrum Team is responsible for all product-related activities from stakeholder collaboration, verification, maintenance, research and development 


  • Developers mainly focus s on building and maintaining the feature request from product team or from the client
  • Developers can build new features or fix existing bugs in the software so that the software become more usable to the customer 
  • Developers also did some research work on how they can add more interesting and unique feature to their product and this kind of request come from product team

Product Owners:

  • Product owner are responsible to create user stories and maintain product backlog
  • product owners know in and out of the product and they know how to prioritize the user stories and they know which feature need to developed when 
  • Product owner take the final call related to product development and product maintenance 

Scrum Master:

  • Scrum master main focus is to interact with the developer team , testing team so that they can maintain the scrum process effectiveness
  • Scrum master should know what is the update of the user stories that are currently going on in this sprint
  • Scrum master should check that all the stories are delivered within the deadline and if any story is taking more time then why it is taking more time and discuss the same with the product owner and client 
  • Scrum master can be a technical and non technical person but he should be able to maintain the team very carefully where most of their team members having technical backgrounds

Software Testers:

  • Software testers are responsible to test the new features as well as old features based on the requirement and impacted modules so that most of the bugs can be caught while testing and end user can have a usable software
  • software testers do manual and automation testing to found the new issues coming because of the new feature development and any existing module or feature broke because of the new development
  • Developers make software and testers make sure that the developed software is usable or not by performing different type of black box testing like functional testing , integration testing, system testing , acceptance testing, smoke testing etc. 
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